It was a close call between this and a post about elliptic curves. But in the end I decided a post was going to help me summarize all I learned about Coppersmith’s attack in the past days. So here we go!

What’s up?

A group of researchers has found a vulnerability in how RSA keypairs are generated in widely used cryptographic libraries. A lot of these libraries are deployed on hardware that generates keys for smartcards or similar devices. This vulnerability is easy to recognize given a few keys generated by the affected software, and can be exploited to retrieve the private key of the pair in a feasible computational time. Not a nice discovery :) but let’s describe how this is accomplished.

The Coppersmith’s attack

The first building block of this vulnerability is a well-known “total break” attack against RSA. Total break means that we are able to recover the private key of the pair, therefore we can then decrypt any cyphertext we intercept.

With RSA, a ciphertext is computed as:

c = m^e mod N

The attacker wants to find m; what if they knew a part of m? What if

m = m0 + x0

with m0 known for some reason, and x0 the new unknown to break. There are several ways to translate this to an equation that looks like:

f(x) = c - (m0 + x)^e  mod N

Now there are algorithms to find the root of a polynomial if such root is small enough; let’s call X the upper bound on our root. This will be our solution. But here our polynomial is defined over “mod N”, and there are no simple algorithms for this case.

What we need to do is to build a second polynomial g(x) with the same roots as f(x) but defined over the integer space Z. To do this we use Howgrave-Graham’s theorem that states that if gg(x0) = 0 mod N (with |x0| <= X) and ||g(xX)|| < N/sqrt(n) then g(x0) = 0 holds over the integer space Z. In the third equation, n is the number of monomials that composes g(x).

Now we need to find the starting g(x0). Here is where lattices and the LLL algorithm are useful. Let’s describe what they are briefly.

Lattices and LLL

If I take two vectors in 2D space, and they are not a linear combination of each other, then such vectors can generate the whole space by computing different linear combinations. Now let’s say that I am only allowed to compute linear combinations with integer coefficients; instead of the whole 2D space I can only generate a set of discrete points on the space: such new space is called a lattice, and the two starting vectors are the basis of the lattice.

The LLL algorithm gets the basis of a lattice and returns the shortest vectors that generate the same lattice. In particular there is a clear upper bound on the first vector of the new basis. Exactly what we need!

Putting it all together

The final part is easy: instead of generating one f(x) I generate multiple ones until they form the basis for a lattice. I apply LLL on the result and then take the first vector of the new basis (and its known upper bound) as my g(x). Howgrave-Graham’s theorem allow me to convert this g(x), still defined in mod N, into a polynomial defined over the integer space.

There are a few more caveats on how the starting polynomial must be defined, but this is the gist of the attack; once I have g(x) over the integers, finding the roots is a solved problem. Mission accomplished!

The new attack

So why did this attack deserve renewed attention recently? The researchers performed statistical analysis on the RSA primes generated by common cryptographic libraries and found some patterns that should not be there. Generating the very large primes required for RSA to be secure, especially if you need to be fast, is tricky, and there are a lot of conditions that you need to watch out for to avoid accidentally making your pair easier to attack even without Coppersmith.

Such vulnerable libraries therefore use fomulas. In particular the libraries examined by the paper set:

P (or Q) = k * M + (65537^a mod M)

where k and a are the only internal parameters. M is set once for all the generations of pairs of a given bit size and is public. M is also quite large, which means that k and a tend to be small. Therefore the resulting P has very low entropy: two different P values will only differ by a relatively small amount of bits (much smaller than the keysize), and the space of possible primes the library can generate becomes smaller.

Now our “polynomial” has two roots, so the idea is to iterate through values of one of them and use Coppersmith’s method to compute the other. The researchers tried setting a and computing k, but the required amount of attempts was infeasibly large in the average case. So they got creative, by transforming the equation as to use M’, one of the small divisors of M, instead of M itself. The way M is chosen makes sure small divisors always exist: it is actually computed as the product of several small primes up to a given number. This makes finding the corresponding k’ and a’ much easier. The optimal M’ value in terms of speed of attack, for every M supported by the library, was found by local brute force search plus some heuristics; note that they only need to do this once for every possible key size.


No matter how many challenges I solve there’s always more to cryptography that meets the eye, even for a relatively simple and well-known algorithm such as RSA One shortcut or simple failure in checking conditions can result in pretty bad failures down the line; and it takes a beginner like me days of careful study and scribbling on paper to even understand how such failures materialize.
